Common Mistakes
Even good resumes I see, have some common mistakes in themselves, so let's go over through 10 most common mistakes one by one, if your resume has even one of these big mistakes, then it means that this repository is gonna earn you many interviews!
1. Complex language: Don't use languages and words that are too hard to understand and follow
- ❌ Executed a multitude of tasks pertaining to the optimization of manifold software paradigms.
- ✅ Improved software performance by 20%
2. Buzz Words: Don't use buzzwords too much in a way that seems not appropriate and normal
- ❌ Leveraged agile methodologies in a cross-functional team to ideate scalable efficient solutions
- ✅ Leveraged Agile practices to improve team collaboration
3. Many invalid metrics and statistics: Sometimes people rate their resumes with AI tools, which results in having many invalid numbers, remember in interview day you're responsible for all numbers and percentages that are inside your resume, so don't overdo this.
- ❌ Increased code performance by 200% (without context or evidence)
- ✅ Optimized SQL queries by creating a caching layer, reducing load time by 50%, approved by A/B testing for the release candidate
4. Unrelated achievements: The person who gonna hire you doesn't care in the first place what was your personal life achievement in most scenarios, so make sure to keep your resume related to the job you're trying to apply for.
- ❌ Increase sales and turn-over with ... business strategy (whatever, you're a developer! and your resume is for developer, not a business strategist/sale)
- ✅ Designed and implemented a caching solution that improved system latency
5. Invalid technical statements: That's true! I've seen people saying they optimized their code by following clean code principles, which is not technically correct and possible, because that's just 2 different matters! So make sure that the statement and claim you have in your resume is technically correct
- ❌ Optimized code by following clean code principles
- ✅ Refactored legacy code to improve readability and maintainability
6. Be ATS Friendly: If your resume isn't ATS friendly, even if it's the best in the world, it won't even be considered. Make sure you read the ATS section and apply the recommended solutions to your resume.
- ❌ You're applying for "ReAct Frontend Position" but in your CV your title is "front-end" and React isn't mentioned.
- ✅ You know how ATS works, and you write your resume in a way to trigger ATS to be your mate, not your enemy.
7. Bad Written Skills: make sure you read the skill section, I have seen people mentioning many skills that they don't have any idea about. Writing your skill section carefully and nicely will increase the chance of getting an interview and also getting the job offer!
- For Python Backend Developer Position:
- ❌ Expert in Java, C++, Python, Machine Learning, Maria DB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FastAPI, Django, SQL, Spring Boot, Docker
- ✅ Python, Docker, Django, FastAPI, SQL
8. About Me is not a documentary film: I've seen people overdoing in About me section, or even in some cases TOO REGULAR about me, which is more likely to be 'ABOUT ANY PYTHON DEVELOPER' rather than about being you, so make sure you read the about me section if you don't have any idea how specific and what details you should write.
9. They didn't use bullet point! that's like resume-101, if your resume doesn't have bullet point then you're gonna be 99.99% rejected! make sure to go through the repository to see what a good bullet point means
- ❌ Writing paragraphs that make it hard to quickly identify key information
10. Bad/Invalid Structure: Some people don't follow the general resume style and convention, which results in rejection. Make sure your resume is standard, just write it using a website resume creator! Some have been offered at the bottom of the repository.