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How to Include Volunteer Experience on Your Resume

Why It Matters

Volunteer experience on a resume can be a great way to showcase your skills, especially if you’re early in your career, have gaps in your work history, or want to demonstrate your commitment to a cause. It shows that you’re not just about work—you’re also about giving back and making a difference.

Where to List It

  • Work Experience Section: If your volunteer work is highly relevant to the job you’re applying for, include it in your work experience section. Treat it like a job, listing your role, organization, and achievements.
  • Dedicated Section: If your volunteer experience isn’t directly related to the job but is still impressive, create a separate section titled “Volunteer Experience” or “Community Involvement.”
  • Education Section: For recent graduates, volunteer experience can be included in the education section if it was a significant part of your academic experience.

How to List It

  • Role & Organization: Clearly state your title and the organization you volunteered for.
  • Dates: Include the timeframe of your volunteer work.
  • Responsibilities & Achievements: Focus on what you accomplished, not just what you did. Quantify your impact if possible (e.g., “Managed a team of 10 volunteers, raising $5,000 for charity”).

Tips for Success

  • ✅ Focus on Achievements, Highlight specific contributions or outcomes, rather than just listing duties.
  • ✅ Be Concise: Volunteer experience is optional, so keep it brief and impactful, especially if you have a lot of other relevant work experience.
  • ✅ Provide a brief description of each experience, including the organization and your role
  • ✅ Focus on your contributions and any notable achievements, such as leading a successful campaign, increasing donations or free content creating